Long Time No Blog

The past week I have been mentally preparing for NaNoWriMo and thinking of ideas that would be good. As well, I have spent my time Vlogging. Below are my four vlogs plus a small exert from my novel:

He thanked me and I left to finally arrive at my locker. The
moment I opened my locker was when the bell rang. Thankfully this was only the
ten minute bell and I still have lots of time to get to class without being
late. I quickly opened my locker and watched as my biology binder falls onto
the ground at my feet.

“Not again,” I think. This is the fifth time this has
happened this week and it’s only Thursday. As I’m about to pick it up I look
down to see that the Norwegian boy has already picked the book up for me.

“Thank you. I never asked you what your name is. How very
impolite of me. I’m very sorry about that” He is staring at the hat with the Norwegian
flag on that I have not yet put in my locker.

“My name is Erlend. Where did you get that hat? Have you
been to Norway before?” I turn a bit to grab something form the locker and he
notices the Bjorn Daehlie signature on my hat. “And are you a cross-country

“Well Erlend welcome to Halls High School. I got this hat
from my godmother who lives in Norway. I was born there and live there for six
years and I am an avid cross-country skier. I am even part of the only team
here in St. John’s” I tell Erlend as I face him.

“Well I hope we get to hang out sometime. I shall see you
around.” When I turn back to look at him, he is gone down the hallway and I am
standing there with all these questions in my mind about this strange Norwegian
boy who showed up in my school.